Thursday, July 12, 2007

the teensiest Noah's Ark*

Picture yourself over 2000 years ago. Wow, it's mighty hot today....there isn't any rain in sight (unless you are near Oklahoma). Actually the USA had not been discovered yet...
Okay, if I was Noah's daughter...hmmm...I don't think he had daughters...I remember he had sons and some daughter-in-laws and maybe a wife...ah, yes a wife. Okay, forget the daughter thing...pretend I am in Noah's ark and I am his crazy wife. I mean ya had to be crazy to build an ark in the middle of the desert with absolutely no rain in sight. His wife had to support him especially since he was the laughing stock of the desert... Besides what is rain?...

Okay back to this story. I forgot her name, so I will just call her Noah's Teensy wife. I felt bad because everyone in the "Neighbor-HOOD" was making fun of Noah because he was building this great big boat that he said God told him to build...EVERYDAY, people would make fun of him...but I was there to console him and make sure he was okay and that he continued to do what God told him to do. I made sure he was fed and clothed in the best designer outfit robe and sachets that we had...I did notice that his sandles were getting a little worn out when he was doing all that hammering...It was a bit noisy, but I didn't mind since we were doing what God said. I decided to make him new sandles while I made some earplugs for myself, of course...Okay all I had to do was find a sheep, take a clipping of it's fur and stuff it in my ears...WALLAH- ear plugs.

Well, I asked my husband "Noah" where are all these animals going to come from...he said, not to worry, they will come...Build it and they will come...okay, I said. I will trust in God. The closer the ark was about to be finished, I saw some animals coming by my house. At first, they were small, but then I began to worry when the elephants and lions were in my back yard. I yelled for Noah to help me, but I guess he didn't hear me...Oh well, God will help me...

It was time for us to go in the ark and we had a family meeting before we entered it. Noah put me in charge of the smaller animals, Thank GOD!  While in the ark, I just had to take care of the hamsters, smaller cats, raccoons, and other tiny animals. My favorite, of course, were the monkeys. I loved to hold them. They were cute, but boy they sure stunk...yuck...oh, no, I just realized I have to take care of the skunks and porcupines. Wow, I have to keep them separated. God sure has a sense of humor, I thought. God please Help me!!! How long will this journey last?

Can you imagine being on the ark for over a year, 35 days or a week, okay, how about a day in the ark with all those animals? I am sorry, but that would have been difficult for me with allergies and my somewhat fear of rodents. Can you imagine what they did, how they ate, and did anyone get sea sick? 

Okay, the dove came back with an olive leaf or such...we have just landed the we get to get out...Think of that fresh air they breathed when getting out of the ark. How excited they were to be out of the ark, to do God's will, and to see the beauty after the storm.  Every plant had to be so green and gorgeous, not to mention the sky so blue... fresh, clear, what a treasure.

I had to write this story because my creative juices started flowing due to being around a lot of animals lately. Just in the last 2 months, I have seen 2 rodents (a mouse trying to get away from little Mark H at the fireworks booth and also I saw a tree-rat jump into a dryer vent while I was house-sitting. He kept sounding like he was coming through the walls. It was creepy).  While house-sitting Pam's house, I took care of her dog, plus a neighbor cat kept visiting. When I arrived home at the place I rent a room, two cats were wanting my attention. One of the cats is a neighbor cat, but she thinks she lives at my place. I have seen Liz rescue a baby bird from the jaws of her cat.  I have watched Liz's cat eat a moving lizard in front of me,YUCK, while the other cat Dutches climbed a tree to catch some birds. I have been near a skunk who only showed himself by his smell. I have heard hummingbirds, woodpeckers, and other beautiful sounding birds. I have seen 3 lizards (well, I think one of them is no longer alive), 2 tiny frogs (yet heard a ton more), a worm, snails, flies, spiders, 2 beautiful butterflies and a partridge in a pair tree...and that's the end of the Noah's Ark.