We need to be child-like in our faith.
What does that mean?
How are we to be child-like?
What does a child do?
How does a child act?
Whom does a child trust?
A child totally believes and trusts everything you tell them. They come out into the world believing that what their parents tell them is the way to live. They totally trust you when they jump into your arms. They don't waiver in their belief of you.
They do what you ask them to do because they believe and have total faith that their parents know best. They soak up everything your parents say. They ask questions and are curious especially around 2 years of age. They learn from what is around them and their environment.
Are we to God like a child is to his parents?
Do we listen and learn from God?
Do we believe God totally?
If He says jump, do we believe He will catch us?
or are we afraid?
If He gives us money, do we follow him on how to spend it?
If He gives us talents do we use them wholeheartedly and allow him to teach us to use them better?
If he puts us in charge of things, do we lead like he taught us or do we go on our own?
Do we mimic God like a child mimics his parents?
Do we follow His lead?
Is God our role model?
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