Monday, July 16, 2007

Awesome Miracles*

I am reading on the Book of Acts in the Bible...I find it very interesting. Here are some things I learned in Acts chapters 6 - 9 (this is the time period when Jesus was all ready resurrected and in heaven)

At this time, there were many people becoming believers (Christians).

Well, STEPHEN was known for being a man full of faith and had the Holy Spirit. He did so many great wonders and miracles in Jesus name which made some people very angry, so they spread a lie about him. He then was taken to some Elders who were accusing him. While He spoke and told them great things about Abraham to Moses, his face was like the face of an angel. 
He had to counteract the lies that people were saying about him. People were accusing him of being against Jesus and Moses). 
Even though the Elders' anger was increasing, Stephen kept on speaking. All of a sudden, Stephen looks up to heaven and sees the glory of God; he also sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God. (I wish I could see that). He tells the people what he sees, and they drag him off to get stoned. Guess who is watching him get stoned? SAUL - the one who persecutes the Christians. STEPHEN prays to JESUS and falls asleep even in the midst of all the pain and rock throwing. Then he dies...

After STEPHEN is martyred, all persecution breaks loose against THE CHURCH. Christians end up being scattered to different cities and countries because of the persecution and they start teaching about God wherever they are. This is how the WORD OF GOD was spread. (Amazing!) 
Then SAUL (the one who saw Stephen being killed) starts destroying THE CHURCH and throws Christians in Jail. 
Then PHILIP starts preaching about Christ in Samaria. He starts healing many from diseases and sicknesses and casts out demons. Plus he is leading people to salvation. (That's awesome!)
Then another guy SIMON comes into the picture. He deals with sorcery; was considered to the people of having divine, great power. SIMON hears Philip's teaching and becomes a believer (that is so cool!) Then Simon starts following Philip around.
Then PETER and JOHN start praying for people to receive the Holy Spirit (and it takes place) and then these two start preaching in different places.

An ANGEL of the LORD speaks to PHILIP to go south to the desert road...He goes...and then meets an Ethiopian guy who is in a chariot reading the book of Isaiah. He didn't understand what he was reading, but then Philip explains it to him and leads him to Christ. (WOW!!! HERE' A COOL FIND:) After he baptizes the man, PHILIP receives the HOLY SPIRIT and disappears out of thin air. (WOW) The guy doesn't mind but keeps on going and praising God. Well Philip is found in another place called Azotus where he preaches.

Then SAUL becomes angry and wants to persecute Christians, but little does he know what's about to take place. GOD speaks to him when he's on his way to Damascus. After the encounter, God guides him of where to go. Now SAUL is blind and doesn't eat or drink for three days so his friends take him where God told him to go.
The LORD speaks to a man named ANANIAS through a vision and tells him to go to SAUL. Yet ANANIAS is somewhat afraid, because he heard stories of how SAUL persecutes Christians. (He must have been trembling in his boots, I mean, sandals.) Then GOD tells him to go because he is about to give power to SAUL to speak to the Gentiles to become believers. (So now Ananias knows he has to go to Saul)

ANANIAS prays for SAUL and SAUL receives the power of the Holy Spirit; He is able to see, he gets baptized, and then eats to gain his strength back. SAUL goes to the disciples and then immediately he starts preaching the gospel.(NOW that's a GOD thing -he is now the person he used to persecute.)
(I am going to skip some stuff...) Later on Saul escaped to Tarsus for fear of his life. 
Then PETER meets with some Christians in Lydda where he meets AENEAS who is a paralytic and bedridden for 8 yrs. Peter heals him in Jesus' name.

TABITHA (DORCAS)- a female disciple in Joppa is a good person, helps the poor, etc... but then she dies. Her friends or family calls for PETER. PETER prays for TABITHA. TABITHA comes to LIFE. She was raised from the dead. (WOW that is truly amazing and all that I have read and wrote here excited my soul. Can you imagine praying for someone and instantly they are healed of diseases, heart ache, demons, or even raised from the dead? You know, it can actually happen I think we all, including myself, need to be more obedient to God and to do his will. You might be just the person Jesus is looking for or calling to heal someone in His name- or maybe there is something else God wants you to do.)

I pray that God uses me in this way and that in our little San Bernardino church we will begin to see miracle after miracle. It can happen... It will happen..

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What Happens When You Pray*


A*).PRAYER IS NOT: A magic wand (pray only to get what you want.-PRAYER IS NOT A VENDING MACHINE- you don't pop in a prayer and out comes whatever you want.
B*).PRAYER IS NOT: A first aid Kit (praying only when you have an emergency)
C*).PRAYER IS NOT: A Tug of War (fighting to get what you want- God is not going to give it to you when you are pulling and pushing your way to get what you want)
D*).PRAYER IS NOT: A Religious Duty (praying out of obligation or just because you think you ought to. It is not a duty; it's a priveledge)

1. YOU dedicate YOURSELF

{{*Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned... John 15:4-6 }}

(We need God's help. You have to be honest with God. If you cut a branch off of the tree, it will wither. It's like a Christian who cuts himself off from prayer. Without prayer you wither. Prayer is our source to God...

2. YOU connect WITH GOD 
{{*I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you... John 15:15}}
- I am a Friend of God. He chose me to be His friend. The people you love, you love to talk to. How much more will you love to talk to God, to connect with Him. Prayer is not a chore; it's NOT we HAVE TO pray. It's We "GET TO" pray. 

3. YOU activate HEAVEN
{{*If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ASK WHATEVER YOU WISH AND IT WILL BE GIVEN YOU. this is my father's glory; that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples... John 15:7-8 }}

Prayer activates Heaven. God will fulfill the desires of those who REVERANCE Him.
Ask that your joy may be full.

4. YOU cooperate WITH GOD
{{ Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it... John 14:11-14 }}

Prayer is God's design. We are cooperating with God when we PRAY FOR OTHERS. Spend time DAILY with God in prayer. When we work, we work...when we pray, God works...

Have I been praying and doing what God wants me to do? I am doing what Jesus does? Lately, Have people been healed and raised from the dead or healed from an illness because I prayed for them and God healed them. 
We are not limited by physical boundaries, time or space WHEN WE PRAY...

(sermon notes "In You")