I sit here pondering about God and what he is up to. This great big round ball we live in is a pin drop in His eyes. So many people, so many requests. How does he deal with all the needs, of all the people? How does He not go so crazy as we would, if we had to listen to all the needs of the world? Yet He knows every need and every person on this vast earth. He knows who is doing what, when, and how they will accomplish things even 100 yrs from now. He knows what it is like to be the only one on this earth for no one created Him; he always existed. He knows even how quiet it was before he made man on this earth and all creation. Billions and billions of people buzzing around like in a bee hive or in an ant hill, in this great, tremendous earth. How in the world does God handle it all? How can he know my need and yet know billions of others and deal with each one personally? I don't understand it all.
I just know he does it all!!! Hmmm...makes me want to ponder even more...
Picture is by Expressive Praise