I've been biting my tongue a lot this past year but I can't hold it in any longer on Facebook so I'm just going to say it. If Trump is so good like a lot of people say, why does he act like he does. I've asked some people why did they vote for Trump.
1. Because he is for Pro Life. I say Protecting the unborn child is awesome which is what I'm for too, but once that baby has grown, how does Trump treat them. He treats people like crap. Just because a person is powerful and rich doesn't mean he has the right to treat people horrible and get away with it.
2. They say to "Keep America great again." I say he has already had 4 years. Shouldn't he be saying "Keep America Great Still" or "Continue to Keep America Great".
3. They say he's a Christian. I say anyone can go to church or hold a Bible that doesn't mean they are a Christian. Where is his fruit? Where in his character or attitude does he portray God? What are his actions?
4. They say I voted for him because he gets the job done and they say I'm not looking at his character.
Yet I say, so does that mean that any person who molests a child, or rapes a person, or abuses anyone in any form, or does a major crime is okay as long as they get the job done in the work world. So should we release all the prisoners? Should we overlook these major things. I don't think so. I don't think God wants us to overlook these things. If we do overlook these things then we are not for children, or teens or young adults, or adults or the elderly. If we overlook these things then we are not for the hurting, the disabled, or the widows. If we overlook these things then actually I think America has gone backwards not forwards and that breaks my heart.
I think it's time for Trump to humbly step down like he's supposed in January and act like a civilized man who is in power and realize he doesn't always gets what he wants. I have never seen such a divided country and blinded by Trump's actions, character and attitude.
Any other President can do the same job but with great character.
I've been praying for this a lot