Thursday, October 8, 2015

Add Comments to my Blog

I have had since 2007 and it used to allow people to comment with various webpages, their name, or be anonymous. Then within the last few years, they changed it to only allow Google account users to comment on the blog. It took about a year of me researching online to make a broader comment section.  I finally found a simple code that works for now.
<b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>.After working with it another 3 hours today, it now allows people to comment using:
Live Journal
or you can add your own name (and/or website) or even be Anonymous.

I still haven't figured out how to get the google comment section completely off without it not posting all the comments. When I take out the codes for the google comment form, it tells me people have posted but it doesn't show it on the page...So if you know how to do that let me know.
Also I noticed when I view this webpage on my smartphone, it somehow didn't show the comment section, so I had to change it back to the website view.

When making a comment: make sure you are on the full page. You may need to click on the title of the article (or post) so you are on the full page....

In a few seconds, you will then see the comment section a little after the article.

Look where it says: "Post a Comment." 

Type your comment in the box below it, where it states "enter your comment".
Click on the drop box where it says:  "

One exhausted and excited blogger,

yes, that's me.



Invisible illness where the

Body feels

Rejected in its on skin on an

Ongoing basis.

Men and women are

Yearning for relief, understanding

And even

Love, so they don't

Give up due to the

Intense pain, horrible symptoms,

And all the struggles of fibro.

Fibromyalgia is real. Don't give up. You can find help through doctors, chronic pain management programs, support groups, counseling, resources, such as, books on fibro and more.

Read more articles on dealing with pain at  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Come to Me

I was calling my cat, Buttons, to come to me.  I called his name several times,  even vocalized some meow words, but he wouldn't come.  As I walked over to him,  I kept thinking,  how stubborn my cat can be.
Then God, with a quiet voice, asked me the same thing. Why don't I come to Him when He calls my name?

Pain is No Respecter of Persons

Pain is no respecter of persons. It knows no boundaries. It plays no favorites. Pain doesn't care about religion, nationality, age, culture, what size or shape you are, or what continent you live on. A person may not have done anything for the Pain to grip their body.

Debilitating chronic pain can make you grieve the life you once had, like employment, more physical abilities, energy and strength; good health, bigger social life, and much more.

A good support team including, family and friends, is vital to the person's emotional well-being, especially at this time.

Pain can attack at any time of your life and may stay for a season or the rest of your life on earth. Some people turn to drugs, alcohol, and even overeating, while others turn to God or some other higher power they look to. Some receive healing from God, yet some don't. When they ask for a healing and haven't received one, some turn away from God because of the intense pain and rejection they feel. Yet little do they know, that God is by their side, holding their hand and going with them, through the pain.

If you are one of these, don't give up...there will come a time when the emotional pain that you deal with, won't be as strong as the physical pain. God does love you and He can give you strength through the pain. Believe me, I know, because I deal with tremendous pain with a roller coaster of symptoms, daily. I know what its like to struggle, and lose the life I once had. I grieved for years over not being able to do what I once could, or be who I used to be. I had to discover the new me. It was very challenging, but through God's love and strength, I conquered it. This isn't the life I requested, but it's the life I have now. I can be more damaging to my emotions or I can make the best of it. For me, I found my purpose is to help encourage others through the pain they endure.

It's okay to grieve your losses, but then find out your purpose in this life. 

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"