Wednesday, December 21, 2022

memories of Grandma Muriel

This was made for my family from my Grandma "Gran" Muriel in Christmas 1985. My mom passed it to me years ago. Gran wrote on the back of it but it was deteriorating.
 I tried to save it by putting the paper in a baggie. 😃 I loved her accent. She was born in England and would always make me laugh. (My mom was born in the USA yet she had siblings who were born in England as well).

Gran passed away when I was in my early 20s in 1993, yet I still remember her sense of humor, the smell of roast she cooked, and her dark apt. She didn't turn on many lights. She was great at crossword puzzles and liked to paint too. I remember her painting of a bird on her wall. And she had a dog named Whiskey. Lol.. I can't remember too much about Grandpa Norman, he died when I was around 11 years old. I just remember his Pachinco machine.