Sunday, April 26, 2009

God is the ROCK*

God welcomes the hurting.
God whispers your name, he knows your pain.
It's hard to see the plan of God when going through hard times and losses.

There are rocks in the road and disappointments. Have you lost hope?
Jesus wants to walk with us, through this road.
God wants to hold us in our life and say there is hope.

God IS the rock.

Find hope in Him.

He is God; what are you going to do about it!!!

some key points from sermon notes from April 12, 09

Getting Activated *

Remember I am significant and important to eternity.
What is it that God wants with me?
Read Exodus 1:1-14

1) God favors the oppressed We have a little bit of eternity in us. We are most like our Father God when we take care of the powerless. (We need to help others) 2) God incarnates His answers. (Exodus 2:1) God made Moses to help with the answers for that time. What you are going to do, has to do with what God has done to prepare you. For example: schooling, life experiences, skills you have had, etc... When you are activated by God, everything you do is easier. You can even do hard work and feel light about it on your feet. For example: setting up for church each week can get tiresome, but when God activates you, it will be enjoyable. There is joy in freedom- freedom in God Do what God made you to do and you'll have joy.

(sermon notes, April 26, 09)