Today is July 5, I'm on my 13th day of covid symptoms. Can't seem to get rid of the cough, congestion and low energy. I can't wait to go back to grocery stores or my friend's homes, etc...
Well at least I have more energy than I initially had. The first week of my covid symptoms, I felt like I had a strep throat, sinus infection, allergy attack, flu, migraine, tmj jaw flare up, bad cold, and fibromyalgia flare up all rolled up into one sickness.
There were days where I had to lay down on couch and only could sit up for 15 minutes at a time.
My highest recorded fever was 102.6 degrees. And the body aches were horrendous. So glad they were only there a couple days. The sore throat burned horribly. And the strange, different kind of headache, jaw pain, and swollen glands, were no joke. The weird thing was when I thought the covid was getting better, I would get new symptoms like nausea, stomach pains, and bitter taste in my mouth to not being able to taste certain foods. It was weird. Thankfully those were short lived.
The blessing in disguise was that my hubby had covid at the same time so we weren't alone through the covid experience. Plus we didn't have to wear masks around each other which probably would have been harder to deal with.
I'm thanking God that the covid isn't as bad as it could have been and thankful for God helping us through this.
Also grateful we have hand sanitizer, lysol wipes and lysol in every room.
Thankful for friends and family that dropped off items we needed, and the neighbor who took our trash to the dumpster and watered our garden a few times. Plus thankful for instacart that delivered our groceries a few times. So grateful for all of these.
Looking forward to being over this covid soon and getting back to "my normal self "