There are a lot of interesting characters that made me laugh a lot, or was it the great weather, hanging with my friend, or enjoying this variety of culture and adventure. This day was fun and yet interesting at the same time....
After about ten minutes of our arrival to the boardwalk which was filled of various shops and vendors, there was a guy trying to lure me into his shop for some "marijuana" that he sold. I declined yet marijuana filled different parts of the boardwalk. I hope there are no affects from 2nd hand smoke of marijuana lol...otherwise I'm in trouble.
It was so cool watching a guy sing and play his guitar while he was riding his bike. There was another guy in some creative skates rolling down the boardwalk also playing his own guitar. That was another intriguing moments. Then there were probably 10 temporary tattoo vendors, many unusual and funny shirt shops, and some crude that I didn't like. I enjoyed watching some musical artists including an average looking lady playing a piano that she somehow dragged in for the day.
I saw a guy riding his bike with a platform for his dogs who were sitting right above the front tire. Those dog were so relaxed There were blue haired people, dread locks on white boy's heads, and dogs galore, not to mention the long albino snake on a guy's shoulders that we stayed away from.
There were unusual artistic talents to beautiful artwork pieces. One artist had a painting of a head with all sorts of scenes in that painting. It was amazing. There were a few musical artists that were passing out free cds of their raegae music and then the next thing you know is you are donating money for a free c.d.
Then there was a freak show about to start where people were paying to go inside to take pictures of the so- called freaks. I realized I couldn't go inside that place when I saw the employees who they considered freaks that were on the steps for advertisement. One lady didn't have any legs, another guy was a little person or what people consider midgets. Another person had basically grown a full beard all over his whole head. I couldn't go in because I knew I would cry due to my grown compassionate nature. I don't think those are freaks; they are people like you and me who have things that aren't the average person. I was thinking about how much God so loved them,
And yes everyone on the boardwalk was a person trying to live their lives in different ways. Some not as successful as others. There were homeless people trying to get a buck from ones passing by, some others may have been homeless but they were trying to sell a piece of themselves in their unusual artwork.
I took some pictures but my not-so smartphone deleted them all. I so wish I had the pictures I took of the huge beautiful waves crashing into the magnificent rocks. It was so breathtaking; God's masterpiece.
It was a great day, and yet I wonder if it somehow changed me....I feel more cultured.