Friday, June 19, 2015

Did Jesus?*

Did Jesus know when he was a child that He would later have a horrible death?
Did He know things as a child that most didn't?
Was He considered a genius?

Did Jesus heal himself or his family members from a cold or sickness?
Did His earthly parents teach him things He didn't already know?
Was He nice to his brothers when they were young or was there normal rivalry?

Did Jesus' brothers feel or sense the unconditional love that He had for them?
Did His brothers treat him with total respect?
Did His brothers make sarcastic remarks to Him about how well behaved He was?

Did Jesus talk before most babies do?
What were Jesus' first thoughts and words?
Did Jesus have to exercise or be concerned about eating healthy?

Did Jesus have any negative thoughts that He had to constantly rebuke?
Did Jesus know about the future technology or electronics even though they didn't have them when He lived here on earth?
What was the first thing Jesus did when he re-entered Heaven from spending time on earth?

Did Jesus show excitement in Heaven before He came down to earth as a baby?
Was there a discussion in Heaven between the Heavenly Father and His Son (Jesus) about Him coming down to earth?
Did Jesus' mother show favoritism toward Him because she knew He was more than her son?


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Silly Brain*

If you have fibro fog or any brain fog this may make sense....
I was with my friend for a few hours yesterday  and I had the hardest time forming complete sentences. Luckily I was tired and got the giggles, otherwise it would have bothered me. I also felt like Dory from "Finding Nemo." I kept getting so easily distracted and my brain felt like it was turning to a mush or a mixed slushy. I couldn't form completed sentences. I kept forgetting what I was saying and the more I thought about it, the worse it got. I would try to explain what I mean, but then I couldn't remember what I was explaining. And no, its not dementia or Alzheimers. It's what we call fibro fog or brain fog.
I kept dropping things, about 4 things to be exact.  Not at home, but right in public.  I dropped my credit card at the checkout, well I think that is what it was. Then I dropped a few things I was purchasing, plus a few things in the aisles.   But that is okay, I didn't break anything, but maybe a little of my pride...
I also kept bumping into things due to the off balance feeling I have. It isn't a pleasant feeling when one collides with a door knob, the wall, or the edge of a table. This isn't done on purpose but somehow my brain is not cooperating with my thought process.
Lately my energy is slow and is trying to catch up, but it's lacking.
Sleep is a joke.
Naps are a must.
Socializing is strained.
A trip to the grocery story is exciting. I try to go to the store before my energy is depleted. It's a race against time, who will win? Me or low energy.
If I say "hiiiiiiiiii," it's  just me, excited to see you, yet I have subconsciously prolonged the word, to try to give me extra time to remember your name. It is stored in a locked file in the abyss of my brain and my brain will not let go of the key. So, I am sorry, if I can't remember your name.  I am grateful that my brain is in my head because if it wasn't, my body would have walked away with a no return address.
And wait!  I am told that the older a person gets, the more their memory disappears. Wow, I can't wait. I'm up for a doozy in the next 10-20 years.

Written on June 16, 2015

God's Painted Artistic View

I awoke to the smell of a skunk that showed himself in my neighborhood. No, I don't like the smell of a skunk, yet God created the skunk.
I peak out the window as I close it to block the putrid smell lingering in the air. Then I see this majestic site from my third story window. The hues of primary blue, cobalt turquoise,  and yellow light temporarily fill the sky while titanium white highlights the cobalt blue mountains.God you created this spectacular scene.
The trees of various sizes and shapes have what appears to be a dark Prussian blue yet the color is just an illusion due to the early morning shadowing hues of carbon black. The trees are looking up beyond themselves as if to praise the creator.
The speckled grass, of  permanent  green and yellow medium colors, down below hasn't felt  an y humans walk upon it  this morning. This is a new day of hopes and dreams that haven't yet been awaken for most people's lives are in bed to capture what zzzz 's they can. 
The many birds are singing their tunes in the distant and adjacent trees.  I wonder what they are thinking. Their melody is like an angelic choir to my ears.  They are not alike but of different notes and pitches, singing their best for the creator. Maybe they are praising their creative conductor.
After fifteen minutes,  the sky has lightened up with various shades of white that makes every  thing so vivid. Also Titanium white, off white, and hints of yellow light, grays, and not-so-yet sky-blue hues are canvassing the tiny miniature trees atop the mountain. This glimpse of the morning is a reminder that God is the creator. 
God, your uttermost being fills the earth, the whole universe and beyond. Thank you for this new beginning to start over and to learn from yesteryear. God, may I always know who you are: a breath of fresh air on a crisp, fresh morning, well, except for the scent of the skunk you brought to wake me up. You brought the smell of that one-white-striped animal to focus on you as a reminder that you created it all.
(Written on June 17, 2015  at  4:45 am)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

I think I should go back to bed

I get out of bed on June 13, 2015 when I wake up to the sound of the rooster crow.  No I don't live near any roosters.  It's just the sound blaring from my alarm on my smart phone.

I walk to the bathroom,  and notice that there is a lot of water on the floor by the toilet. I clean it up and I can't seem to find out where the toilet is leaking but I will find out later that it may be that it's from underneath the toilet.

I walk to my cat,  pick him up and then notice this 92 yr old cat just pooped on me. Yuck. So I go clean (and umm sanitize) my arm. He must not be feeling well,  because he usually uses the kitty litter box.

I decide to cook breakfast.  Realizing my stomach does better if I only eat the egg whites,  I attempt to separate them.  Half of the egg white ended up on the floor. So I clean that up.  Then I get the other egg and attempt to separate it by letting the egg white slide to the other half of one that's in the bowl.  Ugh,  part of the yolk falls in the bowl,  so I try to fish for it and throw it in the garbage disposal.  The next thing I know is that part of the egg white fell into the sink. Oh well, I pour what's left of the egg whites in the bowl into the frying pan to cook. (notice to readers: I do know how to separate eggs,  it's just one of those mornings).

Then I get my gluten-free bread out and noticed that the brand new bread I just bought is missing a half of a slice of bread.  I thought that maybe I dropped the other half of the slice.  Nope, it's no where to be found.  I decide to get two whole slices of bread out   and pop them in the toaster.

While the eggs are cooking,  I grab the toast and burn my thumb from the inside of the toaster.  (If you have ever seen gluten free bread,  for some reason they make them smaller.)

I place my cooked Canadian bacon and buttered gluten free toast on a plate.  I add the egg whites, as well.
Due to fibro fog,  I couldn't understand why my eggs didn't look like much. Oh yeah,  it's because I ended up with 2 halves of 2 egg whites because the rest was in the sink and on the floor.

I bring my food to the table.  Then I go to the kitchen and get a glass of ice cold water from the fridge.  As I walk from the kitchen to the table,  I take a drink of the refreshing water, some of it ends up down my shirt. Brrr it's cold.

I finally sit down to eat my breakfast.  It was good but for some reason I feel exhausted.  I have only been up for one hour; I feel like I should go back to bed.