Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Rainbow of Love

 ðŸŒˆ I have always loved the rainbow. It's beautiful colors of purple, blue, green, orange, yellow and red.  
🌈 It always puts a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
  ðŸŒˆ I remember over 40 years ago when I was in children's church they would teach that God made a promise to man. God would not destroy the earth with a flood again so he sent a rainbow ðŸŒˆ as a reminder to us of his promise. He sent these beautiful colors in the sky that are so breathtaking and are a creation by God himself.
🌈 Sometimes we need reminders of God and his love for us. Every time you see a rainbow, may you be reminded of God and his love for you. 

🌈  Genesis 9:8-17 ðŸŒˆ
New International Version
"Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him:  'I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth.  I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.'"

"And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.'”

"So God said to Noah, 'This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.'”

Monday, June 20, 2022

Incident with UBER DRIVER. (Safety is the key)

Two weeks ago I took an uber on the way back from an appointment. I always check the license plate and the person to see if they match the uber app. On this day,  the car matched but the license plate didn't. When I saw the Uber driver pull up,  I stood away from the car.  After I questioned him about the plate,  he rudely said,  "it doesn't matter" and started yelling at me to get in the car. Well actually it does matter.  Their policy is to match the driver with their correct profile 

I didn't feel safe with him so I told him I'm not going into his car.  That made him even more irritated and started yelling continually.  I stepped away, got his license plate number and reported him to UBER. Then I called another uber driver. The Uber safety personnel said I did the right thing by not getting in the car and they made sure I was ok. They said they would take actions against him. That was just horrible. I'm so glad I didn't get in the car with him. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if I got in his car.

If you catch a ride with Uber, Lyft or even a taxi,  make sure the information matches what is on their App or what they tell you over the phone.  SAFETY IS THE KEY.  Always check the license plate and the picture of the person driving to see if it matches the app. Is the car the same one on the app too?  I know this takes longer but it's for your own safety. If you don't feel safe,  don't go in the vehicle. Use your intuition.  It is good to go back inside the store or where there is other people. If needed, grab another ride by using the app or call a close friend or family member.  When you are in a safe place,  Make sure to report the incident to the safety issue by calling their customer service or call 911, if in immediate danger. 

it's been a crazy couple of months

My hubby and I have had some crazy months.
On April 1 we noticed a small flood In our bedroom carpet when we woke up. Turned out to be a water leak in the water heater. We had water damage in main bedroom, bathroom,  and water heater closet.
We slept in the living room for a week waiting for home insurance to do their thing but that was hard on the back so we, with our 2 cats, were finally  approved to stay at a hotel until the repairs were done. I packed thinking it may be 3-4 weeks. I was in contact with home insurance,  plus their claim adjuster, then the home warranty, and a company that tested for lead and asbestos (since our mobile home was built in the 60s). That came back negative thankfully.
Then there's the field adjuster, and the company that dries out the flooring and takes it all out. There's another company that replaced the water heater, and then the contractor team that worked on repairing and rebuilding the home. Then there's the company that we had to be in contact with that provides the hotel stay that the claim adjuster approves, plus the hotel person. 10 people I had to be in contact with on a regular basis. It was alot of stress and frustration; we couldn't get things done because they wouldn't  approve things until each company had information from the other companies findings of our mobile home . ... but then the right hand didn't seem to know what the left hand was doing. So instead of them communicating,  I had to be  in constant communication to get things done daily.

And half the time, the insurance wouldn't return my calls, texts or emails. Then their phone was down for 4 days.  So I had to be persistent and not give up to get approved what we needed. It finally paid off and we got the needed money from insurance  to get it all done. 

Even though the water intrusion and other factors took a toll on me physically and mentally,  my Honey and I agree it was a blessing from God.   I've learned that sometimes you have to work hard even when things are a blessing.

Now we have a brand new bathroom with new tub, shower doors, walls,  built in cabinets, vanity, sink etc... which we love.  Plus new subflooring, flooring in the bedroom and bathroom, etc.. And new flooring in hallway.

I was secluded a lot at the hotel during the day because my Honey had to work and I didn't know anyone. I'm used to visiting my neighbors.  Yet I was able to do things like memorizing scriptures and I had previously started reading each verse in the Bible.  So many times I started but never finished. So I got my mom's Bible out that was hers that she gave me years ago and read each verse.  When I was done with each Book of the Bible I put a check mark on that Book until I read each and every book in the Bible  And I finally finished it at the hotel. I started years ago  because I wasn't consistent but I finally did it because I had nothing to distract me!!!  It was nice to finally say that I've read every verse in the Bible. Although it won't stop me from reading and studying more of the Bible. I did work on other projects too. There were times I would take a walk around the hotels in the area and focus on Jesus and take a deep breath and look at all the creation around me.  God's breathtaking mountains and variety of beautiful flowers.  

I also tried to go out of my way to say hi to people and got to know the personnel at the front desk.  I met a guest with her beautiful dog that came out to this city to place her dog in a dog show. I also met and saw a lot of people who came from other states who were on business trips. Hey I even tried a veggie burger in the Free burgers night. No I didn't care for it.  Lol.
My husband and I also encountered an alligator lizard that came into the hotel door we were about to go out of.  I about jumped out of my skin.  Lol.
While at hotel,  we had my hubby's birthday, my  birthday,  a couple family members birthdays,  Easter, Mother's Day, and our nephew's graduation, etc...For Memorial day,  we visited our home and worked on our garden which was fun and relaxing..  

Several days my Honey was sick but he received much needed rest.  Then a bunch of my health problems were aggravated and inflamed including 8 days of migraine like headaches. It felt like my body was in a war for 30 days.  No fun.  I knew it started from being stressed.

For each holiday,  I tried to make it fun.  I hid hotwheels and an Easter basket around the hotel room so my Hubby had to find them. Note: he collects hot wheels.   For my birthday, we couldn't go out because he was sick so we ordered my favorite,  Chinese food from Door Dash.   For his birthday I decorated the hotel room with steamers but had to take them down soon after because the cats were attacking them.  Lol We enjoyed celebrating his birthday. 

 I was so grateful that we had a small kitchenette with a full size fridge.  We did have to invent ways to cook meals because of the 2 small burners. And boy oh boy did I love the dishwasher.... but there is nothing like home sweet home.  We love being home and even we can tell our cats Rocky and Adrian are excited to be home.  My hubby and I can go back to our garden any time we want... which we did start pruning our plants at 10 pm the other night.  And I took down our Easter decorations I had up and  we put out 4th of July decor. It's so good to be home. I wake up every morning and here the birds chirping outside. It is so beautiful. We are glad to be home and thank Jesus for helping us through this ordeal.  Now we get to enjoy our place with new improvements. The cool thing is that the things we were going to eventually change in our bathroom we don't have to now.  The contractors did the hard work for us. 

It's funny that our wooden block calendar still has the day of April 8th. That was the day we moved into the hotel.. That's 76 days of craziness, although 69 of them were at the hotel.