Monday, June 20, 2022

Incident with UBER DRIVER. (Safety is the key)

Two weeks ago I took an uber on the way back from an appointment. I always check the license plate and the person to see if they match the uber app. On this day,  the car matched but the license plate didn't. When I saw the Uber driver pull up,  I stood away from the car.  After I questioned him about the plate,  he rudely said,  "it doesn't matter" and started yelling at me to get in the car. Well actually it does matter.  Their policy is to match the driver with their correct profile 

I didn't feel safe with him so I told him I'm not going into his car.  That made him even more irritated and started yelling continually.  I stepped away, got his license plate number and reported him to UBER. Then I called another uber driver. The Uber safety personnel said I did the right thing by not getting in the car and they made sure I was ok. They said they would take actions against him. That was just horrible. I'm so glad I didn't get in the car with him. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if I got in his car.

If you catch a ride with Uber, Lyft or even a taxi,  make sure the information matches what is on their App or what they tell you over the phone.  SAFETY IS THE KEY.  Always check the license plate and the picture of the person driving to see if it matches the app. Is the car the same one on the app too?  I know this takes longer but it's for your own safety. If you don't feel safe,  don't go in the vehicle. Use your intuition.  It is good to go back inside the store or where there is other people. If needed, grab another ride by using the app or call a close friend or family member.  When you are in a safe place,  Make sure to report the incident to the safety issue by calling their customer service or call 911, if in immediate danger. 

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