Tuesday, April 10, 2007


A beautiful moment. Behind me was the beginning of the SOUND OF a multitude of croaking frogs; on the right side of me was the SIGHT of a lizard trying to get out of the paws of a cat; and in front of me was the beautiful SOUND and SIGHT of three hummingbirds enjoying the blossoms. All I could do, was stand still, take a deep breath of fresh air, and admire God's beautiful creations.

Wow I can't believe I actually called the sound of a multitude of croaking frogs beautiful.  haha


  1. I hope an pray your pain and energy are well
    enough to do all God wants to do even if it is
    enjoying a moment with him.

  2. take care and God bless, Hay thank for the appreciation of the simple things of life, the birds, trees, flowers and singing when ever you feel down, that's my favorite pass time, singing the praises of God.

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the orange hunter! She likes to bring her prey into the house too!!

  4. Tanya. I know what that is like so just take it easy, and rest, O yes and I do pray about everything, I could not live without the daily conversation with Your Heavenly Father to get through every day, knowing who he is, and who's we are makes all the difference in the world.
    God can do for us what we can't do for ourselves, and His word speaks for itself, so just take it slow and know God is working everything on your behalf and mine, we just have to keep our minds stayed on Jesus!!!
    Lots of Concern and Prayer for you
