Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Through the Storm*

It seems like I have been doing a lot of defending God lately...there are so many people hurting and are angry at God. I tell them my story that there were times in my life that I was angry at God because He didn't heal me, he didn't take me out of the emotional or physical pain or abuse that I endured in my life and even the fact that a close friend died at an early age was hard on me.

 but I realized that God loves me unconditionally. He is always there through the hard times that I struggle. Yes I would love to be healed; Yes I would have loved to be raised in a loving family environment, and yes I would love for everything to be great... but it's not....and if it was, I wouldn't need God.

I have learned that suffering happens and is no respecter of persons. Life can be hard. But we have to deal with it and not avoid God because of the suffering. He didn't take me out of a life of pain, but he brought me closer to Him through it. He gives me strength through the suffering...He helps me help others because of it.

and He can do it for You.
So it's okay to be angry at God for a season, but then let it go. Grieve your losses and deal with what was handed to you. And cling on to God for being the ultimate Father, Friend, and Encourager you can lean on for strength.  Don't let the suffering you experience and the suffering you see others experience get between you and God.  HE DOES CARE !!!

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