On behalf of all the people I know who has fibromyalgia and other debilitating chronic illness, I want to describe a little bit of what these people who have these illness deal with.
Fibromyalgia feels like having the flu twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week. I do know that everyone who has fibromyalgia may not have it as bad as I do, yet this will help you understand it a little better.
Think about the last time you had the flu or stomach virus. How did you feel? When someone has the flu, they feel weak and have little to no energy, where they can barely pick themselves up off the couch. They have feelings of nausea at times and deal with bowel problems. Their appetite changes and certain foods can make them feel more sick. Their temperature changes and they may feel like they have a fever. They can be really cold and shivering or really hot. It feels like their bones and muscles aches so bad...and may even cramp up. Their body has indescribable pain and they feel miserable and may feel down and not happy. Their stomach hurts so bad and nothing will really satisfy it. They are exhausted and need to rest. Their head may hurt; their eyes maybe sensitive to light, and ears sensitive to noise. When someone is sick they can not think as clearly, their brain feels numb and words may feel garbled when they try to speak. When they have the flu, the person tends to stay home, not socialize, and not feel like talking. And they may want to cuddle up with a blanket and stare at the walls or the Television.
These are "some" of the same symptoms that I deal with regarding fibromyalgia. I have lack of energy; my bones and whole body aches. I have food, medicine, and other sensitivities. There are times I can't pick myself up off the chair or floor. The pain is so bad yet I know that I have to keep moving so I make myself stretch, exercise, or walk around to get my body from not becoming stiff or in more pain. Eating certain foods make me sick and I have tried so many medications, herbs, and supplements, and natural remedies but have had so many bad reactions to them so I can only do so much. I do not take medication for Fibromyalgia because of the bad symptoms I have endured with taking those meds. (Some people with fibro can function more because they can take the meds for fibro). Also the exhaustion is tremendous but with fibro it's hard to get a good night sleep and get refreshed. When trying to speak, that's a different story. What you may call brain fog, we call "fibro fog," People with fibro have a hard time to remember things, think clearly, and words and sentences are twisted in our head before we try to speak.
I have learned to live with fibromyalgia. I deal with the daily symptoms, yet if I complain about the pain, it's because it's worse than the day to day pain I endure that I have grown accustomed to. When I smile, it may be because I am pushing through how I really feel; I made it out of the house; I watched America's Funniest Videos to get me out of my slump; I am glad to see you, AND/OR it could be that God gave me a boost of peace and strength. I have to do what I can to keep my mind from going crazy with all this pain. I make sure I am reading my Bible, communicating with God, watching my church live on Sundays, and watch sermons or teachings throughout the week to keep me spiritually in tune with God. I watch funny videos or movies and try to find the things to laugh about through my circumstances to keep my spirits up. I try to keep in contact with at least three people a day to keep me connected with people. Plus I work on my artwork, creative writings and lead an online fibromyalgia support group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/fibroBandS/ ) and pain management group ( https://www.facebook.com/teensytidbits ) on facebook to keep me active. This road I live is not easy, but I do what I can to keep going forward.
I have heard so many people with fibro tell others that their friends, co-workers, or families don't understand what they are going through and they think they are lazy, they need to get out more, be more active, lost weight, be more productive, etc... so that they will get better and their fibromyalgia will disappear or minimize...This is not the case.. We are still waiting for a cure.
Just think of the last time you had the flu...How did you feel? Did you still do everything you did before you were sick? Did you eat the same way, act the same way, and have the same energy? When you had the flu, were you exercising a lot, eating meat and potatoes, going out to concerts, or did you call off of work for a sick day, eating soup, and curl up on the couch or hug a toilet? lol
Please be more patient and understanding of people who deal with fibromyalgia....they deal with more than you ever now....They need your encouragement, love, and strength.
Please share this with everyone you know so they can understand fibro better.
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