Monday, September 7, 2015

Pain verses People who Don't Understand

To all of you who have been hurt by others because of the words they say about your health issues and pain, I apologize on your behalf....

To all of you who have been hurt even by people in church, I apologize on your behalf, as well...

I know this may be a touchy subject, but I think I should talk about it. So many people say things, even in the church, that they think are being helpful and can make a person actually feel awful. 

Try to remember that they are human too, and make mistakes. I know that's easier said, then done.

I have been in chronic pain for over 20 years after a head injury and have gained other major heath issues like Fibromyalgia. I know what it's like to be in a public setting, and even in church, where people have said things to me that brought me to tears.

I have probably heard it all (from people I know): "-If you pray more, you will be healed; -Don't talk about your pain, you are given light to  something negative. -Don't talk negative. -Focus on others who are worse off than you. -If you exercise more, or take this medicine, etc....your pain will be gone. -Don't claim it (your health issues). -You must have some hidden sin in your life. -I am healed of my pain, so you should do what I have done to be healed." Then there is my favorite from a TV evangelist, "if you send $2000, God will heal you." No, I didn't send the money.

Now when I sit back and think about all the things that were hurtful, I can smile. Nowhere in the Bible are any of those listed as a definite healing.  Yes we need to be faithful, yes there is a time and place for talking about our pains or health issues....but just because we aren't healed, doesn't mean we are less of a person, or even less of a Christian.

I have even had a person (who wasn't a close friend) say some of these things listed above, to me, then a year later she was diagnosed with cancer and ended up dying. When she told me she was going through radiation treatment, I so wanted to tell her what she told me: "don't claim it (the cancer)," but I bit my tongue and was respectful.

If there is anyone who has given up on God or the church because of what people said to you about your health condition, please reconsider God's love for you. I don't always understand why He doesn't heal a lot of people like they did in the Bible days. But I do know that God gives me strength each day. He helps me through it and even provides other resources. It took a lot of guidance, counseling, reading books, crying out to God, researching my health issues,  support groups, chronic pain management, and having a support team of friends and mentors to get to where I am today.

It's ok to talk about your pain. It's even ok, if you are not healed. Pray for a healing, but realize God may say no. He may use your pain for something special. I understand the meaning of me not being healed, it's because I can help others.  If I didn't have the tremendous pain, health issues, and symptoms that I deal with, I wouldn't have any idea what other people, who are in pain, deal with. So for that, I'm grateful.

(((( I know that the greatest healing is in Heaven where there is no more sickness, sadness, or pain. Yes, I look for that day, for eternity ,without pain.))))

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