Friday, March 4, 2016

Affliction, AND Patience?

" LOVE must be sincere. HATE what is evil; CLING to what is good. BE DEVOTED to one another in love. HONOR one another above yourselves.  NEVER BE LACKING IN ZEAL but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. BE JOYFUL in hope, PATIENT in affliction, FAITHFUL in prayer.  SHARE with the Lord’s people who are in need. PRACTICE hospitality."

Romans 12:9-13

As I was reading this passage during my devotions for my church, I noticed that it says to be PATIENT IN AFFLICTION. Wow, that just sounds difficult. Not only do we deal with the affliction but we have to be patient in it too. Maybe we should be asking God for even more strength because patience can be hard work. I know I have to continually work at patience;  it doesn't come naturally for me.

Affliction alone can be time consuming, painful, add patience to it. It will either break us or make us into a better person. I think taking time to relax, breathe deeper, think of the other person first, prioritize what's important in life, and not be so rushed, may help us be more patient in our days. (I am speaking to myself as well).
May we strive to be patient in painful circumstances and/or when dealing with pain in our own body.

In the scripture above, it says:  "...but keep your spiritual  favor..."

Keep your spiritual intense, passionate feeling. Keep yourself in tune with God and don't be afraid to have a deep intimate connection with him where he knows all of your deep desires and where He can show you what He desires for you.

Living for God is a life long journey, thankfully it gets easier when we reach heaven.

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