Sunday, July 30, 2017

Gluten Free Granola bars

It can become so frustrating as to what foods to eat, if you are like me, who has tremendous amounts of sensitivities to food products. I become sick when I eat dairy and I have sensitivities to foods with gluten, soy, and corn which cause digestion problems. So I either have to limit the food items or avoid them whenever possible. There is a lot of other foods that I can't eat due to the symptoms they cause. Through the last couple of years of searching, I have found some food items that I can actually eat which doesn't cause health problems in my sensitive system.

I found that a nearby Walmart Grocery store has gluten free products. One of the things I like to buy and snack on  is "Gluten Free Granola bars" by Great Value. Their flavors are dark chocolate, trail mix, fruit mix,and peanut butter, etc... For a box of 5, it costs about $2.48. They are chewy which is good for me who can't handle hard, crunchy granola bars due to my jaw problems.

I personally love the dark chocolate one because it seems to melt in my mouth and tastes like a candy bar. I can't eat the peanut butter or the fruit mix granola bars because they have peanuts in them which is another thing I am sensitive too. I lean towards the trail mix flavor due to it having no peanuts and I do love the taste.


If you want more info on the product, click on the link below to see the nutritional value, etc...

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