Saturday, August 27, 2022

Bread for your thoughts

We bought a bread maker for $5 at a yard sale. 
We have been wanting a bread maker. They are pricey so I figured what do we have to lose for $5. 
I used it for the first time last night.  I wasn't quite sure if i was making it right because it didn't come with a manual. I looked up recipes online and bought all the ingredients to make the bread. I followed the recipe and pushed start.  We jumped a couple times because it goes silent and then makes noises and even beeps suddenly.  We enjoyed watching the motions through its window to see how it works. It amazed me how good it works. ( I know this isn't a new thing for all you foodies out there, but it's newer to me. )

By the time it was done,  3 1/2 hours later, Tim was asleep.  I asked if he wanted to try it since it was my first batch and I was going to make him a sandwich for work with this new bread.  He mumbled that he trusted me. 

But i wasn't sure since it was my first batch.  So I cut the heel off and took some fluff from the center of it.  It was so yummy, fluffy and warm.  I ate the whole slice.  Lol I usually hate eating the heel but wow this was so different. I put butter on it and oh so yummy.  I was even dipping the bread in the almost gone butter. Thankfully we have another container of butter   That huge slice was all gone.  
It was not gluten free and I have sensitivies to gluten so I took some extra meds so i wouldn't have stomach trouble.  Lol...ok i better buy me some gluten free bread flour because this will be too tempting. Lol

It came out so good and it was only my first batch.

I also air fryed meatballs in the new air fryer oven we bought.  I love the crispy outside crust.  And earlier I baked cookies in the air fryer oven.  I was just trying different things last night.  It all came out good. Yum

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