Saturday, August 26, 2023






There are various resources that may be beneficial to you in your time of need.  Many people are trained to help ones who are trying to get out of an abusive situation, need counseling, or even dealing with chronic pain.  If you need help, please contact the organizations below.  They may be able to start you in the right direction by finding more resources in your area; just ask.  If you get a busy signal or are asked to call back later, please do not give up. Call them back!  It may be necessary to leave a message or call during their business office hours.


If you feel you are in danger due to domestic violence, or the like, you may want to use another computer, laptop, cell phone or any other technical devices, when contacting certain organizations.  If your life is threatened, or in danger, the person harming you, may keep track of what you are doing online without you being aware of it.  For example, they may be able to look at the links (of the organizations) that you are requesting help from, to find a safe place to escape to.  Please be careful!!! If needed, ask to use a friend's computer, or go to the library and use their computer.  If you contact an organization with your email address, please make sure that it's not shared with your partner, if you are in danger. You may have to make a new email address, or just call the organization.


NOTE: If your life is threatened in any way, call 9-1-1 immediately, and go to a safe place.  If you have nowhere to go, contact United Way or Catholic Charities.  They should be able to help you find to a safe place and start you in a new direction. Here are some helpful resources: (various info on Fibromyalgia-ME, Chronic Fatigue-CFS and Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome-CFIDS)


American Red Cross (for natural disaster relief)

1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767)


Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center

1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636) International Toll-Free

For International calls: First dial your AT&T USADirect access number and at the prompt, enter the toll free number 1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636).

For USA and Canada, just dial 1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636).

- (Financial abuse articles and helpful tips)


Answers.Usa.Gov  (for questions about restraining orders, abuse, etc...)

Go to their website, and in the search bar, type in what you need.  For example, type in "restraining order" and it will give you information on that topic.

But You Don't Look Sick (encouragement for people dealing with chronic pain)


Catholic Charities (USA) (resources for homeless assistance, social issues, adoption, disaster operations, and more.  Each state is different)


Have questions? Contact them at: (email) (website)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (teen dating violence and sexual violence) dating Violence) violence) (other resources)

Child Help (National Child Abuse Hotline)

1800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)

Disability Resource: Americans with Disabilities Act (dealing with disabilities) (American Disability Act)


Focus on the Family (family help resources, prayer, and information on the best way to discipline your child)

1-800-A-FAMILY (1-800-232-6459)



Focus on the Family - Counseling Department (counseling, prayer, and referrals)

Call for a free over-the-phone consultation for counseling, and referrals for qualified family therapists

1-855-771-HELP (4357) Monday-Friday (6am-8pm) mountain time

Regarding child abuse: if you have questions regarding disciplining your child verses physical abuse, you may request a referral for a qualified family therapist, for your area, who specialize in parenting and disciplinary issues. 

Or check out their website


Hidden Hurt (domestic violence in the UK)

0808 2000 247 (UK National Domestic Violence Free phone) (UK) (for various hotlines - UK)

Joni and Friends - Joni Eareckson Tada (International Disability Center)

General Info: 1-818-707-5664

Store: 1-800-736-4177

TTY: 1-818-707-9707


Invisible Disabilities Association -IDA (literature about living with chronic pain)


Leaving (articles and resources related to abuse: what is abuse, how to get out, how to get help)

0808 2000 247 (UK National Domestic Violence Free phone number)  (UK)


Medic Alert (an organization to help in case of an emergency)

They keep all your updated contact information, plus your emergency contacts, medicines, doctor's information, and other important information in case you have an emergency.



National Domestic Violence Hotline (domestic violence)

1−800−799−SAFE (7233) 

TTY 1−800−787−3224


National Fibromyalgia Association (dealing with Fibromyalgia)

National Sexual Assault Hotline (sexual abuse/assault)

1-800-656-HOPE (4673) 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24-hour crisis counseling)

1-800-273-TALK (8255)


New Life Ministries (counseling or prayer)

1-800-NEW LIFE


Option Line (find a pregnancy center)



Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center (info on child bullying)

1-888 248-0822


(RAINN) Rape, Abuse, and Incent National Network

(anti-sexual violence organization)

or call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) National Sexual Assault Hotline in USA


Rest Ministries (various resources regarding chronic pain or illness)


Stalking Resource Center (help if someone is stalking you)

1-800-FYI-CALL (M-F 8:30AM - 8:30 P.M. EST) or Email


Stop (child bullying and child cyber bullying)


The Chronic Syndrome Support Association (dealing with chronic pain)


The CFIDS Association of America (info on Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome-CFIDS)



United Way (resources for homeless shelters, safe houses, housing, food, clothes, employment, health care, battered women's shelters, and more...)

Call 2-1-1 or

Call 1-800-272-4630

U.S. Department of State (U.S. Embassy Locator)

When visiting another country, contact the U.S. embassy before your arrival. Know where they are located, in care of an emergency.


US Pain Foundation


Women's Law (info & support to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; rape crisis centers, shelters, and other local programs.) Domestic Abuse Safely)

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

creative ways

Hello everyone.  This has been a crazy 5 weeks starting with the knee injury. I had to cancel my in person fibro meeting this month and last because of injury.  Yet through this,  I have understood people more with what they go through with knee or leg problems. I've learned to figure out creative ways of doing things like keeping a bag by the family room so i can carry the cats bowls in the bag back to the kitchen every morning.  I've been keeping a walker by the toilet to help me stand up and sit down.  I've had to keep some dishes on the counter because i can't stand on my tip of toes or step ladder to get to my cupboards.  I've learned to scrub the tub with a sponge mop so i don't bend my knee.  I keep a tv tray by the family room door to put things on it while i use my crutches to get up the one step,  and then grab whatever is on the table to bring into other room.   Yes I've learned to do things differently  and am grateful that God has given me a husband, he's my husband that I've had for 4 years now on Sept 1 😃 😊,  who has been helping me.

Lately When I have been getting the trash ready,  he's been bringing it to the dumpster or outside in trash cans. When I get the laundry ready, he's been carrying it to the washer and dryer and back.  Sunday was the first time he actually let me help him fold them in 5 weeks.  Ha ha. I'm usually the one who does all the laundry in the home. Today I was trying to figure out why I feel like i have nothing to do today.  Then i realized oh yeah i usually do laundry on Mondays but he's been doing it.

My hubby knows me as someone who has fibro and limitations and that's who he married.  So he knows I try to space out my chores and whatever else I need to do. I try to pace myself.  Yet it's been nice and lovely that he's been giving me an extra hand during this time... because he's doing things I couldn't do....and also he always does the main yard work all the time because there's things I can't do with my allergies and fibro.  God had given me a wonderful man and I'm so grateful for him. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

playing musical chairs

Can you believe that someone actually twisted their knee playing musical chairs with other adults? Lol
  Yup I sure did. I was doing good until I collided with a guy as we were trying to get the last seat avaliable. It happened so fast. The next thing I knew was that I was on the ground in excruciating pain.  
The guy felt so bad and kept apologizing but I told him I'll be fine. He said he used to play football and other sports...and the competitiveness got the best of him. Lol I'll be ok. Just can't believe I got injured with a childhood game.

I'm keeping an eye on my knee. It's hard to walk. If it gets worse I'll Probably go to urgent care.

Part 2 of "can you believe someone hurt themselves playing musical chairs?"

Well thankfully my Honey Timothy Carroll took me to Urgent care yesterday  and each receptionist or check-in employee,  doctor, specialists, etc...  all had the same question: " why are you here? And how did you hurt yourself?"

"Yes Doctor (or receptionist,  specialist,  Xray tech,  etc...), I am here because I twisted my knee,  ...umm...eeehh... by playing musical chairs."

... yes everyone laughed and one even asked "well, did you win?"  I said no... so this was funny yet a little embarrassing.  But yes it was funny... I'm still laughing between the moans of pain.

Doctor said the bursa sac in my knee bursted causing major swelling. Also have a torn ligament and a slight tibia lower leg/ knee fracture.

So I have new  accessories that are awkward and trying to get used to.  ..yup crutches that ride my arm pits and a lovely, heavy immobilizer brace for knee and leg all for 4-6 weeks. Oh yeah. 

Please keep me in prayer.  
I have already fell flat on my face once trying to use the crutches, thankfully a couch caught me. I decided I was so worn out and in too much pain  to get up that I just slept.  I did turn over so i could breathe.  Lol

And my fibro is inflamed in different spots due to the crutches and immobilizer.  No fun. I'm trying to find ways to do daily tasks like getting dressed,  or bending down to feed the cats etc... it's weird how we take things for granted and just do things without even thinking how we are doing them until we can't or have to find a different route.
yet I can't wait till this too shall pass.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

A letter to anyone dealing with Fibromyalgia

My fibro brothers and sisters. 

Find out what you CAN do in your suffering. What is your purpose? How can God use you through this fibro and all that you go through in your body. I know fibro is hard yet it is harder when you feel there is no purpose for the pain or with the pain.   
First step is usually grieving over having fibro (which may include being angry that you have fibro and can't do what you used to do)... then accepting you have it and trying to live your new life with it.... that includes having boundaries and pacing yourself and taking care of yourself with the pain and symptoms. 

We pray for a healing yet we do live with the pain and suffering and all the symptoms we deal with in our own bodies... so how are you handling it?  How are your living with this fibro?  And what are you doing through the pain?1¹¹

I know my purpose started 10 years ago when God put it on my heart that we who deal with fibromyalgia need more encouragement, prayer and connecting with other fibro brothers and sisters.  The fibro group I started on facebook was because I was in other fb fibro groups and I saw how little encouragement people were getting and when talking about God and prayer,  other fibro members were bashing their faith. I realized it wasn't a place to feel safe,  and to get their spirits lifted.I know Fibro can cause depression and anxiety and when we are in a place like these groups,  it is hard to mentally feel better.  Although I did meet some people in the other groups and there were positivethings in the groups,  I realized there was a need for a Christian fibro group too. And that's how "Fibromyalgia: Fibro brothers and sisters" group started. 

I know someone who her purpose is to help women in prison ministry. I know others who can spread cheer at their work, like at an insurance company to a dog sitting company.  I've seen others who can't do much outside their home,  yet they pray for others and spread encouraging scriptures or posts in the fibro group that encourages me and others.  I've heard of some that love on their grandchildren.  

See, not every one is the same.  God can use you differently. It doesn't have to be at a job, or even a church. I remember over 10 years ago,  I felt bad because I had to give up ministries I was doing at church because the fibro was so bad and I had to stay home more.  Someone said,  "ministry doesn't have to be at a church. God can use you online too. "   I never would have thought that the ministry of the fb fibro group would reach people all over the USA and all over the world. Through the years, In the fibro group,  I have talked to people in Canada, England, South Africa,  Australia and more countries.... I never thought that would be possible so I continue to thank God for in the internet and Facebook.  

Remember I understand what you go through....I live with fibro too. Find your purpose. 

Here's a link to the fibromyalgia: Fibro Brothers and Sisters group. 

Also add your email in contact section in blog to get updated posts on this blog

Monday, March 13, 2023

God used my Bible to bring through a lot

I have had this Bible for a long time. I have used it almost every morning with my morning devotion for over 21 years.  

I got it when I was in charge of the bookstore at First Assembly of God in San Bernardino before they moved in 2006 and was changed to North Hills.

God has used this Bible to help me for many years. It has brought me through happy times, tough times, joyful times, grieving times, prayerful times, praising times, loving times, hurtful times, where are you God? times, feeling so blessed times, enjoyment times, crazy times, lonely times, heartfelt times, scary world disaster times, pandemic times, having toilet paper shortage times 😃, feeling so blessed times, longing for the love of my life times, accepting I'll be single the rest of my life times, my future husband moving to California and meeting me times, getting married to my Honey times, feeling so loved times.... so blessed. 

I have notes in the Bible and on sticky notes through the years. At sometime I taped it together because it was falling apart. Yet I'm still using it. I took it with me for every place I rented an apartment or rented a room, and 
still have it.