I've been reading a Bible study book called No Other gods.
I have read the various Bible stories most of my life... it is crazy how you can read a chapter in the Bible and something pops out at you.
It said to read Daniel chapter 3. And in the Bible study the author mentions how when King Nebuchadnezzer told the people if anyone doesn't worship his god then they would be thrown in the fire.
Meshac, Shadrach, and Abednego refused to worship his god; they only worshipped the true God. So he ordered them to be thrown in the furnace.
Meshac, Shadrach, and Abednego were bound, and tied up and thrown in the fire. It was so hot that the soldiers who were throwing them in the fire, were consumed by the fire.
But when Meshac, Shadrach, and Abednego were in the fire, the king noticed another man in the fire... like the son of God. The only thing that was consumed by the fire was the rope or the item that bound them. That's it. Not them and no other item when they were in the fire was burned.
Remember when we feel tied down such as in sickness or even finances or heaviness in this crazy world we live, keep your faith and trust in God. Dont look to other gods. God will have the fire burn the rope so you won't feel bound and he will protect you. You won't be tied down. You may be in a fiery trial but you won't smell like the smoke, or be singed by the fire. Trust in God.
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