Friday, April 5, 2013

Crazy OV Appts*

I went to my  M.D. or what they also call GP for a TX for my TMJ,  FS also known as M.E., and CPS. All he did was gave me a PX and another DX.

Awhile ago, he sends me to a Physio  because he thinks I need it..They give me a PX and turns out I don't need it anymore and I have been off of that Med since August of last year.  YAY...That Psych Dr wasn't too happy when I decided to get off of the med but once I did she was surprised that I was doing well... Yay for me for standing up for myself.

I tell the G.P. that I am going to a D.C. and he thinks they don't work...Well, I would rather go to a D.C. with no meds and get relief weekly then have another med added to my list from GP. My Dr wasn't happy when I got off the px I did last year...

One med gives you side effects and then you end up taking another med to get rid of those side effects...So yes I got off of 4 meds last year. Yay

 So I have been going to my D.C. and he was nice enough to give me actual TX that really helps, with and adj, plus hooked me up to the EST, or was it the IST equipment, and other TX..

If you can understand this, then you are either in the medical field or you have been to the doctors way too much, like me. lol.


  1. LOL, well the RX I picked up today for my Dx isn't covered by Medicare. It's the one that is for my hind end, ironically.

  2. Tanya "Teensy's Tidbits"4/8/13, 5:08 PM

    lol...oh yeah it's called RX not px
