Friday, April 5, 2013

I Thank God for All My Senses*

I try to thank God
when I smell something awful,
like sewage or burned popcorn
because that means I have my sense of smell.

I try to thank God
when I see graffiti on the walls
or watch as the thick smog we breathe rolls on in
because that means I have my sense of sight.

I try to thank God
for painful jaw joint procedures
or when I have burnt my finger or had a paper cut
because that means I have my sense of touch.

I try to thank God
for the roaring sound of the ambulances that pass by
or having to wear ear plugs because of my ear sensitivity
because that means I have my sense of hearing.

I try to thank God
for the nasty medicine I sometimes have to take
or of sometimes the awful food that my tongue can't handle
because that means I have my sense of taste.

I may complain at times because of the strange or awful senses I have experienced, Yet I do thank you God that I can smell, see, feel, hear, and taste. Some people are not as fortunate. Thank you God that I have these senses.


  1. Great example of gratitude under difficult circumstances. Thank you for the encouragement dear sister.

  2. Hi Tanya,

    I’m sorry you are feeling so poorly. But like you said, “you have your sense of taste, smell, hearing, sight, etc. I would like to add a few to you list:

    You have creativity that flows onto a canvas and through the written word.
    You have time to pray and a heart that knows what worship is.
    You have your intellect and you can decipher God’s written Word.
    You have gifts that allow you to reach out to others and encourage them.
    You know what pain is and yet you still smile.
    You know the sound of God’s still small voice and you aren’t alone.
    You have friends who listen when you need to complain. They may not understand but they do care.
    You live in Southern California where moisture and humidity are limited.
    You live in a beautiful building with great places of worship, shopping, and transportation close by.
    Your illness makes you seem frail, but you have inner strength.
    Your tears, God collects in a bottle, and He listens when you are sad.
    These seem like long days, but they are really very short compared to eternity.
    One day your body will be brand new. You’ll walk streets of gold. Your joy will be complete.
    As for today, you pray, you trust, you seek, you search, you climb, you paint, you sing, you dance, you smile, and you listen to those who need someone that understands.
    Keep writing and expressing your creativity. God’s given you a gift and He lives inside your heart. Your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells.
    He’ll help you keep it together. He loves you and so do we.

    Love Mindy and Family

  3. Thank you for these (poems). I really enjoyed them. Are you still showing your art at the the Redlands Art Association?

