Saturday, September 13, 2014

Got Pain?*

I share from my experiences of what has helped me through all the debilitating pain I have gone through in my body and post it to the Facebook page I lead. I also lead a support group online. Because I have had over 19 years of debilitating pain, I try to encourage people who go through pain. Pain isn't fun and I don't wish it on anyone. There were many times in my life that I felt alone with the pain I go through. I don't want anyone to feel that same lonely feeling that they are all alone in the world of pain. Know that we do care. Please check out these websites:

1) "Teensy Tidbits for Managing Pain"
(Click on the link above, and when it takes you to the site, click on the "like" button and you will get updates when I post to the page)

and for those of you who have fibromyalgia, Please join the support group I started.

2) "Fibromyalgia:Fibro Brothers and Sisters"
(Click on the link above, and when it takes you to the site, ask to join the group. I think there is a "join group" button to click on.  This is considered a closed group which means that only the members who are in the group can read what the posts and comments are. After you ask to join the group, I need to approve each person to become a member and they will be able to participate in the group)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pain Medication,Lyrica Anyone?*

If you have been in debilitating chronic pain for awhile, you may be like me and have tried almost every medicine out there. Sometimes you may feel so desperate to try any medication or other alternative because you just want to get out of the pain you are in...

Recently I was reading the Guidepost magazine and came across an advertisement for Lyrica. On the top of the page, it says: "Having LESS Diabetic nerve pain means everything to me." It looked like maybe something I may want to try because of this friendly picture I was viewing of a couple holding hands and leaving some sort of shop.  (I guess that is what they were trying to do). Although Lyrica is for diabetic nerve pain, it is also prescribed for fibromyalgia, which is one thing out of many that I have wrong with my body. So I thought I would read more.
I read: "Prescription Lyrica is not for everyone."

Okay so I read the article and realized, hmm. I wonder how many people are in less pain but are dealing with all of these symptoms from Lyrica. 

Tell me if you would like to try this medicine even with all the symptoms that were written in the article: It says that you may get any of these side effects: serious reaction such as swelling of the face, mouth, lips, gums, tongue, throat or neck, trouble breathing, rash, hives, or blisters. It even states that you if you notice that you are harming yourself, have suicidal thoughts or if you have an unusual change of behavior to notify your doctor. Do people read this article and immediately call their doctor for a prescription.  So far, I am against this medication because of those side effects listed above...yet I was curious, so I read more.

It says: you may also experience swelling of hands, feet, and legs, dizziness, and sleepiness, blurry vision, weight gain, trouble concentrating, dry mouth, and "feeling high." (Hey sign me up. Just kidding...) lol

There's more: muscle pain, feeling sick, feverish, changes in eyesight, skin sores, swelling, fever, hives, weight gain, dry mouth, new or worse depression, new or worse anxiety, feeling agitated or restless, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, being aggressive, angry, violent, acting on dangerous impulses, talking too much, and doing more activities in extreme. 

(I can just picture someone on Lyrica.  Because they gained 100 lbs, they ended up with a low self esteem and then got more depressed so they tried to harm themselves, but got dizzy and angry and ended up killing someone else. Then they have trouble breathing yet are talking a mile a minute... But boy, oh boy, they are PAIN FREE...or are they? The rest of the side effects may be: gain soreness, muscle pain, weakness, and trouble concentrating.
 Umm no thank you...that doesn't seem like the life I want. lol

It does strike me funny with all the side effects listed but there is a possibility of getting some of them.  I am one of the unlucky people that have bad reactions to a lot of medications. I can see myself with a lot of those side effects if I took Lyrica because I already am sensitive to a lot of meds.  I know I couldn't handle it. 

(Please don't be offended if you are on Lyrica. If it helps you, that's awesome. Just be careful...and about this post, Hey we have to laugh when we deal with all this pain, right?)

Note: some of the symptoms above are anaphylaxis 

note: Lyrica Advertisement was in Guidepost September 2014 edition

picture above is from:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Through the Storm*

It seems like I have been doing a lot of defending God lately...there are so many people hurting and are angry at God. I tell them my story that there were times in my life that I was angry at God because He didn't heal me, he didn't take me out of the emotional or physical pain or abuse that I endured in my life and even the fact that a close friend died at an early age was hard on me.

 but I realized that God loves me unconditionally. He is always there through the hard times that I struggle. Yes I would love to be healed; Yes I would have loved to be raised in a loving family environment, and yes I would love for everything to be great... but it's not....and if it was, I wouldn't need God.

I have learned that suffering happens and is no respecter of persons. Life can be hard. But we have to deal with it and not avoid God because of the suffering. He didn't take me out of a life of pain, but he brought me closer to Him through it. He gives me strength through the suffering...He helps me help others because of it.

and He can do it for You.
So it's okay to be angry at God for a season, but then let it go. Grieve your losses and deal with what was handed to you. And cling on to God for being the ultimate Father, Friend, and Encourager you can lean on for strength.  Don't let the suffering you experience and the suffering you see others experience get between you and God.  HE DOES CARE !!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Do You Smell Like?*

I was reading a devotion today about being the fragrance of Christ as in 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 and my brain starting thinking about how we smell like Christ.

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." 2 Cor 2:14-15

When you smell something, it can make you feel good or bad. How do you feel when you smell a skunk? Do you want to cuddle with that skunk, and spend hours with that skunk? Do you want to make that skunk your indoor pet? Does the skunk bring you great memories? Do you want to smell like the skunk? Do you want to be like the skunk? If you do any of these, I can find you a counselor. lol.

Now, how do you feel when you smell a bottle of nice perfume or a blossoming flower? Do they make you feel good? Do you want to be around them? Do you want to dab the perfume on you or add a bouquet of flowers to your home? When you take a deep breath, does it makes you feel good and warm on the inside? (Well, it does for me).

We (as believers in God) are the fragrance of Christ, to God. When we are in Christ and Christ is in us, we tend to be like him.  We may start looking like him, smelling like him, and doing the same things that he does. I don't mean that we will end up being more hairy, sweaty, or taller. I mean, our spirit will begin to change. Our character will change. Our soul will change. We may even have a glow on our face. We will be more Christ-like.

Are you striving to be more like Christ? Are you spending quality time with God? Remember, we have the opportunity to spread out this fragrance of Christ to everyone we meet. 

scripture from NKJV

pic by  tk Expressive Praise

Thursday, February 27, 2014

CRAZY Circle of Events *

The other day I was trying to get more sunlight for my cat and I so I decided to move a tray table that I use for my plants because it was blocking the sunlight spots in my living room; well I accidentally tilted the tray table, which made the plant fall to the ground, which made the soil fall on my carpet, which made me have to re-pot that plant, which made me re-pot 2 other plants, which made me get the vacuum out to clean up the dirt, which made me notice the dusty inside window sill that was near the fallen plants which I then decided to vacuum, which made me notice the other dusty living room window sill, which made me vacuum that one, which made me think since the vacuum is out, I need to vacuum my apartment.

And all I was trying to do was get more sun on my aching body. 
I learned from my cat, that when I can't get out of the house, I lay in the sunlight because it feels good on my body. He does it all the time, I didn't understand it until I tried it it feels good.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Will You Take this Path?* to be Born of God?*

Are You Born of God?

When people ask this question, they don't literally mean that you were birthed and

came out of the womb of God, like a baby comes out of the womb of his mother. 

They are talking about it spiritually.

1 John 5 verse 1 says: 

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him." KJV 

or if you want to read it in an easier standard, let's try the NIV:

 "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well." (1 John 5:1)

and then there is John 3:16 (NIV) says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

In other words, If you believe that Jesus is the Christ, you are born of God a.k.a. being born again (spiritually). Our father God and his son Jesus Christ are one, so if you love one, you love the other.  It's kind of like eating ice cream, you like eating the ice cream and all it's ingredients that make up the ice cream. They are all as one.

that concludes being born of God 101

note: all scripture is from

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Be Careful What you Promise* to God*

I was reading a book the other day and it mentioned Judges 11:30-39. So I got my old Student Bible out that was given to me around 1986 from my Sunday School Teacher. Do you ever read something in the Bible and you are surprised at what you are reading?

First we read, verse 30 and 31:

And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands,  whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.

That prayer may sound kind of reasonable, if you have a lot of animals in your house. Yet I couldn't or don't want to sacrifice my cat Buttons. I don't know what Jephtah was thinking when he asked that request. Maybe he was just desperate for winning. (Let's call Jephthah, "Jeph," for short.)

In verse 32,

"Then Jephthah went over to fight the Ammonites, and the Lord gave them into his hands..."

That sounds great. Jeph got exactly what he wanted from the Lord. 

Verse 34: "When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of timbrels! She was an only child. Except for her he had neither son nor daughter."

Oh no, STOP!!! His daughter comes out of his house.That wasn't supposed to happen. I mean, Jeph, never even considered that his daughter would be the one to be sacrificed.  (I would have said, "oops, God, I made a mistake.) Remember what he said to the Lord. God, if you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of Jeph's door, I promise I will give it in a burnt sacrifice.

Let's continue:   
"When he saw her, he tore his clothes and cried, 'Oh no, my daughter! You have brought me down and I am devastated. I have made a vow to the Lord that I cannot break.'

(I think it's sad that he seems to blame it on his daughter; she had no idea that he made a vow to the Lord.)

“My father,” she replied, “you have given your word to the Lord. Do to me just as you promised, now that the Lord has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites.  But grant me this one request,” she said. “Give me two months to roam the hills and weep with my friends, because I will never marry.”
“You may go,” he said. And he let her go for two months. She and her friends went into the hills and wept because she would never marry.  After the two months, she returned to her father, and he did to her as he had vowed. And she was a virgin."

Wow, what devotion Jeph and his daughter had. I think I would have liked to say, "Just because you made a vow with God, doesn't mean I have to follow through with it. BUT she went along with it. That is true devotion or dedication. That's amazing, yet strange to my human eyes and ears.  I don't know what kind of sacrifice he had to make because She says that she will never marry and I guess she will remain a virgin. It seems like maybe there was another kind of sacrifice he was going to do instead of killing her. She grieves because she will never marry, not because she will die. Interesting!!!
 So I am thinking maybe the sacrifice wasn't where he had to kill the offering. Whatever it was, they were both dedicated and I hope God blessed them for it.

How many of us made a promise to God and kept it, even when it affected others? Now that's something to think about.

scripture taken from:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Please Be Patient With Us*

I have Bursitis, and Hammertoes,
also deviated septum in my nose.
these acronyms I rather not say.
Degenerative Arthritis in my jaw,
makes me want to scream FA LA LA LA LA
Major allergies and sinus issues,
I have to grab some more Kleenex tissues.

Arthritis in my neck and some more...
Makes me want to hit the floor.
Inflammation all over, head to feet,
during weather changes, it's down beat.
Have to keep chin up and not feel dread
with all the sensitivity to foods and meds.

Then there are the gray spots in my vision,
hundreds of thousands of tiny specks on a mission.
Doctors can't seem to know what they are,
but, oh they are a bother, to me, by far.
They say not to worry about the spots, it's okay to drive;
but when you can't see well, how will I know if I have arrived? (lol)

Because of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain syndrome;
many times, I have to change my plans and stay home.
The ear sensitivity, has me wearing ear plugs every day,
I hear too well, but "umm, what did you say?"
Deciphering words is hard, at times,
Yet I can hear the clink of two tiny dimes.
Sounds echo in my ears.
Don't worry, I've been dealing with it for years.
Tender points are painful and nothing to joke about,
they are all over, and at times, make we want to pout.

Flareups, painful spots, burning sensations galore.
sharp pain, pressurized, prolonged and more.
Feeling so clumsy, bumping things, and dropping things, always;
thankfully I have lights in my hallways.
Stressors, weather changes, or nothing at all
can cause a major flareup of pain, "oh I am having a ball".
Sleep deprived, restless nights
with my blankets, I have many fights.

Forget about money and pain free days,

just give me a good night sleep and give me praise.
I need encouragement and a big smile,
but don't condemn me for awhile.
Or not at all, if you please,
because I am not a leper, or diseased.
I am valuable and a human being
who deserves much and true meaning.
Love is kind, love is sweet,
I know I should be more upbeat.

When YOU have the flu and feeling, oh so miserably down,
just remember all the advice you gave me, and do not frown.
It's okay to be feeling down at times and joyful at others
It's just a part of life, my dear sisters and brothers.
We need to be free to laugh, to cry,
if we don't, then inside, we may die.

If when you ask me how I am doing, and I say "I'm okay,"
just realize, I got up, got dressed and arrived today.
This may be a high pain day, it's true;
but I made it; I'm here and I pushed painfully through.
I may want to lie down, because fibro feels like the flu;
so any encouraging words, is way overdue.
But if I have to stay home due to all of this stuff,
please understand me and still love me, because this is rough.

I press on, yet more slowly than others
and please don't compare me to your friends, and your brothers.
I have physical obstacles just to get out of bed, more than you know
and my life has changed it's course, and is not easy and does not flow.
If you are bothered by my complaining and how I deal with it,
realize how much more it affects me, and wish the symptoms could just quit.

So please be patient with me and love me too,
because of this pain, I fight; I fight hard, it's true.
Any strength I have, is easily depleted and gone by noon
but I am hoping more than you know to get some soon.
This poem was just to let you know a little more about what some of us deal with every day
with chronic pain and symptoms, we wish that it could be taken away.

I am bringing awareness about people, like myself, who have special needs and deal with the kind of disabilities that you can't see. They are the silent illnesses, that are so very painful but you can't tell just by looking at us that we have anything wrong with our bodies. I have been dealing with it now for 19 years. People with chronic pain don't always know how to express themselves and it's hard for people to understand. Yet thankfully I am blessed with the ability to do creative writing so maybe I am just a tiny spokesperson on the internet to get the word out to some people. Please try to be more understanding with your loved ones who have chronic pain and chronic symptoms and please don't immediately jump to the conclusions that it's all in their head. You just never know what some people deal with. The most important thing you can do for that person, is be a good friend. Having to deal with chronic debilitating and painful conditions is hard, yet dealing with it alone, is so much worse.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lois Arneson...a True Legacy*

I recently went to a memorial service for a dear friend of mine who had died on December 18, 2013. I have always thought of Lois Arneson as a loving person, a godly woman, a prayer warrior, and like a grandma to me. Every time I saw her, I sure would get a nice, big hug from her. You could feel her love through those hugs.  She also made me some nice items: a quilt, a soccer ball, scissors holder, and some pillow cases to match the quilt. I was also one of the many people she sent birthday cards too. I just looked in my recipe book, and sure enough, I did get her recipe for Pecan Pie Muffins, one year.

Then in July of 2011, she presented me with a special gift. It was a Christmas couch cover, or a couch quilt you can cuddle with. It is so pretty. She gave it to me in July because she had been working on it for awhile due to her failing eyesight. She told me she couldn't see very well, but she didn't let that stop her from making this beautiful Christmas blanket just for me. You couldn't tell that the maker of the quilt had any eye problems because it's nicely made.  It really touched my heart that she gave it to me at that time. Every year, when I pull out the Christmas decor, the Christmas blanket goes on the couch. It reminds me of her special love for me and for making people special.

After the memorial service, I talked to a few family members of Lois'. One of them said that "Lois was so loving to us (her family), and it was kind of expected since we were her family, but I had no idea that she was so loving to so many people outside of her family until we heard everyone talk about her here (at the memorial service). She gave love to a variety of ages (the young and the old)." 
Another relative, I think it was Lois' nephew, had a bag of Lois' items. There was a stack of papers that she had piled up in her room. He shared some of them with us. After I gave him my last name when he asked me what is was, he pulled out a red card stock with a poem I had written in 2005. Lois had kept that poem I had written. It really touched my heart that she had that poem in her special pile.

She has taught me to treat everyone the same. Treat each one with special love.  And Pray, Pray, Pray. She sure loved God....

To me, it seems she treated everyone with that special love. As Chris Neal said, "Lois was the church 'Mom.'"  That was our Lois. She sure loved people and we sure loved her.  She definitely was the "Church Mom"... or in my case..., "The Church Grandma."

I heard someone recently say: "A Christian doesn't die, they just have a change of address."

Monday, January 6, 2014

HaPpY nEw YeAr*

I hope you have a wonderful year...Keep your chin up and keep moving forward.
Pain is hard to deal with it at times, make sure you have a support group of people, like friends, family, or even doctors to help you manage your pain.