Saturday, September 13, 2014

Got Pain?*

I share from my experiences of what has helped me through all the debilitating pain I have gone through in my body and post it to the Facebook page I lead. I also lead a support group online. Because I have had over 19 years of debilitating pain, I try to encourage people who go through pain. Pain isn't fun and I don't wish it on anyone. There were many times in my life that I felt alone with the pain I go through. I don't want anyone to feel that same lonely feeling that they are all alone in the world of pain. Know that we do care. Please check out these websites:

1) "Teensy Tidbits for Managing Pain"
(Click on the link above, and when it takes you to the site, click on the "like" button and you will get updates when I post to the page)

and for those of you who have fibromyalgia, Please join the support group I started.

2) "Fibromyalgia:Fibro Brothers and Sisters"
(Click on the link above, and when it takes you to the site, ask to join the group. I think there is a "join group" button to click on.  This is considered a closed group which means that only the members who are in the group can read what the posts and comments are. After you ask to join the group, I need to approve each person to become a member and they will be able to participate in the group)

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