Wow what have I been doing for the last five months that I haven't even touched my blogs. I know I have been doing a lot of taking care of the physical pain that I endure.
I have been trying to focus on my artwork to distract me from the pain, yet at times, it just wears me out that I can't do what I want to do, when I want to do it. If you suffer from chronic pain, you will totally understand what I am talking about.

In October I started working on a painting which I finished in February. It is called, Pilgrimage to Zion. This painting has different people on their journey to Zion (Heaven). There are all sorts of people there. Ones who are happy, sad, depressed, rejoicing, etc...I even added a person in a wheelchair who is struggling and feeling all alone. I know a lot of people in physical pain, including myself, may not be in a wheelchair but it's the universal symbol that a person in a wheelchair has physical problems. So I added it to symbolize all of us who may be struggling physically. We each need that eternal goal to help us on this earth. We hunger for something to even fulfill our spiritual appetite.
I have learned to lean on our Heavenly Father God to get me through the life I live, in this tremendous pain in my body. I know that God can give you that strength too. He might not heal you but He will help you deal with it all. I pray for healing, yet I learn to be content with all that was given to me. I know it is not easy and I know that God may never heal me yet I keep going forward.

I deal with Fibromyalgia, Severe TMJ which I need a jaw replacement surgery but there aren't any good results yet. I deal with Headaches that lead to migraines. I have anywhere from IBS to feet problems, to neck problems, to sensitivity in my ears where I can't be around a lot of noise, which also means I am unable to go to church often because of the noise levels. (I have found a church that I can do online live each Sunday). Even as I am writing this, I am in tremendous jaw and head pain that is radiating through to my neck all because I visited a store that had loud music on. It overwhelmed my senses even with earplugs in, and now I am fighting a migraine. I am only telling you all this so that you will understand what I deal with and you may realize I may identify with you. Through all this pain I go through, I have to keep my focus on God and keep my focus on the eternal life of Heaven. If I don't keep my focus then all this pain can be overwhelming. In Heaven there isn't any pain or suffering, and I take pleasure in it. I can't wait for that beautiful day where there is no more pain in my body and that I can see God face to face without any filters.
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