Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sometimes You Have to Be *Humorous*

I started a pain management class at a Health Facility this week. I don't know what came over me but when I saw a skeleton hanging on a stand, my silliness came over me. I think it happened when I saw a bucket full of funny shaped popcorn. A lady brought 24 clear gloves stuffed with sweet popcorn and tied the ends of them.

Before the three doctors came in to teach the 2 classes I was in, I decided to dress the skeleton... I grabbed 2 gloved popcorn bundles. They looked like hands, so I tied them to the skeleton's hand bones....then I found some pillow cases and cloths in the back of the room. I just draped them over the skeleton because she just looked cold and I added one to give her a skirt. I put a Breast cancer Magnet under her ribcage. The magnet was given to me when I walked in the building.  She needed Hair, so I just draped a rag over her head. Now that I am looking at the picture, I realize I didn't give her a shirt. lol

I did this all before the teachers came in...The students, who were waiting for the class to start, were laughing and said they wouldn't say who did it....The lady who brought the popcorn thought they would blame her.  

The funny thing was, while I dressed the skeleton, it kept falling over because the metal stand that was holding it up, was missing a piece. The more the students laughed, the more the skeleton kept falling. I finally got it propped up just right...then two of the teachers walked in. I quickly sat down.

The teachers didn't even notice teacher, 20 minutes later, had to use it for his lecture...I had no idea he was going to use it. He laughed, and everyone did, as he displayed the dressed skeleton on top of a table. That skeleton was taller me. I just giggled but then I was so afraid it was going to fall.  A lady was going to take a picture of it, so I walked up to fix the skirt that fell.  I noticed that it was stuck underneath the wheels.  I then stopped and realized if I touch the cloth, the whole thing will go down.  Everyone was laughing. It was too too funny.

In the 2nd class, on the same day, another doctor came to teach about physical therapy.  The doctor didn't notice it either until he, too, used it for the lecture.  He laughed as he took part of the clothes off to show us how we need to hold our back, neck, etc... in the right position. Then he laughs and pulls out the big refrigerator magnet that I put behind the chest. He says, "oh, I guess he's supporting breast cancer."  And then everyone just roared in laughter....He didn't notice the popcorn hands yet.  About 5 minutes later, the doc went toward the the skeleton to talk about shoulder blades, and collar bones.  As he lifted the arm up, a popcorn hand hit him in the leg...He laughed...I heard someone say, "that was perfect timing."

I so enjoyed the laughter....and so did the whole class.
I am so glad I was able to make over 20 people, who deal with chronic pain, and 3 professional doctors laugh ..... It was so much fun. Thank You God, that I can find ways to laugh, giggle, and have humor through all this physical pain.

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