Another Victory of Pain Addiction...
August 2018
I have a friend named Lisa who wrote this on her Facebook wall about her husband Joe Z who dealt with pain medication addiction. (She gave me permission to share it with you all)
"I absolutely love this picture because it is SO Joe! I am so impressed by this man who 13 yrs ago today said enough and walked into a rehabilitation center for pain medication (addiction). He celebrates the date tomorrow (August 24, 2018), but our 4th anniversary will always be the day for me that changed the course of our lives. He says it wasn’t courage, but that is still what stands out to me...I will forever be grateful for this man’s courage to live. He walked in believing he would just have to endure pain the rest of his life...the lie of narcotics...and walked away with a full life in front of him. I can’t tell this story enough...addiction lies to you. It steals everything and gives back nothing. Very few people who know us now witnessed the devastation of our first few years together...some witnessed the long years of healing. Most who know us struggle to imagine it...but that it the beautiful story, God heals. Every statistic out there said we didn’t have a chance, yet here we are 17 years married, and for him, 13 years clean. And THIS man lives life to the fullest, trusting the God that heals and that came to give us ABUNDANT life."
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